NEW Process with Tejasaji Live from Satyaloka
Sri Paramjyothi Healing Process
Online Mystical Hospital
Namaste Loves
Please join us for an incredible opportunity to heal. This process is only for those who are currently registered for the 81K DY Program with Sri Bhagavan.
This process will be done Online via Zoom LIVE with Tejasaji from Satyaloka
3pm-4:15pm PST
4pm-5:15pm MST
6pm-7:15pm EST
Asia Times
4:30am -6am -India Time
7am-8:15am-Taiwan, China
10am-11:15am- Australia (Sydney)
12pm-1:15pm New Zealand
**Not on the Friday before Darshan
8am-9:15am PST
9am-10:15pm MST
10am-11:15am CST
11am-12:15pm EST
5pm-6:15pm CET
9:30pm-10:45pm IST
Translation Available:
FREE PROCESS -All are welcome if you are a current member of 81K DY Program
For the process have the below items if possible:
1. Any Medical Reports, Labs, Diagnosis Written
2. Fresh Water Bottle or an unused container and another cup to drink from.
2. Written down on paper, all conditions you wish to heal (Body, Mind, Spirit)
3. Comfortable Place to Sit and to relax and lay down (if possible) (have blanket if needed for your comfort)
4. Have your FULL attention on the process from beginning to end.
5.Try to avoid all distraction: eating, drinking, talking, doing anything outside of the process.

Sacred Chambers
What a great gift to be given this amazing opportunity to have our Sacred Chambers once again ONLINE. For those who have not experienced this sacred gift from the Great Compassionate Light Kalki, you will be so happy to attend. This is a free process and all are welcome.
Debra was initiated to host the Sacred Chambers while in India at Oneness University in 2013 by the Avatars of Enlightenment Sri AmmaBhagavan. The Chambers officially opened March 7th 2014 on Sri Bhagavan Birthday.
So many people have had miracles by attending this process over the past decade.
This is a very sacred process where you will be taught contemplations to aid in your awakening, receive soma, and be brought into the Sacred Chambers to be with the Great Compassionate Light Kalki to ask for what you want and receive miracles of Health, Wealth and Relationships.
This is a very sacred process so please create a quiet, calm environment for yourself so you can immerse yourself in the process.

Sri Kalki Group Ananda Transfer
Thursday’s and Saturday’s
(Not on last Saturday of the month)
7:00pm PST
8:00pm MST
9:00pm CST
10:00pm EST
Meeting ID: 865 7617 1314
Passcode: Kalki
JOIN our Telegram Groups
Group Ananda Transfer USA Canada:
Community Ananda Transfer:

Deeksha Yajna
Living in a Higher Consciousness
Sri Bhagavan Darshan
Full Moon Process
Registration is open for Golden Age Membership Year 4. This membership includes the Deeksha Yajna 2024-2025 along with the Full Moon Enlightenment Process, Deepenings and Darshan with Sri Bhagavan Monthly.
The Deeksha Yajna will commence on Saturday June 1st. During the past 12 months, thousands of people have been gifted with enlightenment and are experiencing incredible transformation.
Relationships are transformed bringing more love and connectedness with family and friends. Mental chatter is silenced. The mind functions when needed, otherwise, vast silence and inner spaciousness is experienced. Decision-making is enhanced by inner guidance, reducing procrastination and poor choices. Health and emotional wellbeing have improved. And so much more.
Join us now to experience higher states of consciousness.